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Explore Links and Resources

Center for Sustainable Development (CSDi)
The Center for Sustainable Development—CSDi—provides evidence-based information, tools and training for humanitarian development professionals worldwide. Its online courses help development professionals design and implement effective programs.

Dining For Women
Through over 400 monthly collective giving circles, Dining for Women inspires, educates and engages people to invest in programs that make a meaningful difference for women and girls living in extreme poverty.

Florida-based ECHO is an information hub for development practitioners around the world, gathering solutions from around the world that are solving hunger problems and disseminating them. These solutions promote sustainable farming techniques, nutritional plants, and appropriate technologies. EHO provides hard-to-find beneficial food plants and seeds, tapping the wealth of agricultural knowledge among the poor farmers they seek to assist.

Sweden-based, Gapminder produces data visualizations of public health and progress in meeting the millienium development goals, a “fact tank” that promotes a fact-based world view headed by Professor Hans Rosling.

Innovations for Poverty Action
Innovations for Poverty Action studies what works to help the world’s poor, designing and evaluating programs in the field, and providing hands-on assistance to bring successful programs to scale. They test successful programs in multiple countries to prove their transferability. They work closely with J-PAL.

Poverty Action Lab
The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL), a center at the MIT Department of Economics, has regional offices in Africa, Europe, Latin America, and South Asia. J-PAL’s mission is to reduce poverty by ensuring that policy is based on scientific evidence arrived at through rigorous impact evaluations.

Shack/Slum Dwellers International
Shack/Slum Dwellers International (SDI) is a network of community-based organizations of the urban poor in 33 countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. SDI’s mision if is for the urban poor to be at the center of strategies for urban development.

The Life You Can Save
Inspired by the thought of Peter Singer, this website lists many NGOs working on poverty alleviation.

The UN Development Program
The UN Development Program focuses on four main areas: Poverty Reduction and Achievement of the MDGs Democratic Governance Crisis Prevention and Recovery Environment and Energy for Sustainable Development. “In all our activities, we encourage the protection of human rights and the empowerment of women, minorities and the poorest and most vulnerable.” They have an extensive collection of downloadable publications.

Women’s Empowerment

A Mighty Girl
“A Mighty Girl is the world’s largest collection of books, toys, movies, and music for parents, teachers, and others dedicated to raising smart, confident, and courageous girls and, of course, for girls themselves.”

Dining For Women
Through over 400 monthly collective giving circles, Dining for Women inspires, educates and engages people to invest in programs that make a meaningful difference for women and girls living in extreme poverty.

Double X Economy
The blog of Dr. Linda Scott, DP World Chair for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Oxford University, featuring cutting-edge analysis on women’s experiences and participation in globalization and the power of women in emerging markets.

Girl Rising
Girl Rising is a global campaign for girls’ education; its high quality film entitled Girl Rising is the anchor of its work.

Girls Globe
GirlsGlobe is a multi-blogger site dedicated to empowering girls through education, covering global issues concerning the rights, health, and empowerment of women and girls.

International Center for Research on Women
International Center for Research on Women is an NGO dedicated to improving the lives of women in poverty, advancing equality and human rights, and contributing to broader economic and social well-being. ICRW accomplishes this, in partnership with others, through research, capacity building and advocacy on issues affecting women’s economic, health and social status.

World Center for Women’s Studies (World-CWS)
The newly-formed World-CWS, an initiative primarily of academics, serves and benefits men and women, academia and organizations that serve, research, and support women’s empowerment worldwide. The institute aims at advocacy for global gender equality and at conducting policy-oriented research and designing practical solutions to women’s empowerment.

Humanitarian Technology & Design

“Appropedia is a massive collaborative collection of solutions integrating sustainability, appropriate technology and poverty reduction, continually edited by co-creators and contributors.”

ARTI Appropriate Rural Technology Institute of India
ARTI Appropriate Rural Technology Institute – India researches, develops, standardizes, implements, commercializes and popularises innovative appropriate rural technologies with emphasis on sustainable development. Their website includes many cross-sector designs and projects.

Clay For Earth
This website is a collection of solutions and techniques highlighting sustainability, appropriate technology, and poverty reduction.

Compatible Technology International
Compatible Technology International, a nonprofit, designs and distributes tools in collaboration with small farmers and their communities to improve food and water security in developing countries.

Design For Extreme Affordability
This is the home site for Stanford cross-disciplinary course in humanitarian tech design.

Development Innovation Ventures
DIV, sponsored by USAID, seeks applicants with innovative ideas that address development challenges more efficiently and cost-effectively than the competition, and that have the potential to scale to reach millions of beneficiaries.

Design Matters
Design Matters is a program at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, focused on public policy, social entrepreneurship and sustainable human development.

Design That Matters
Design that Matters (DtM), a Cambridge, MA, NGO creates new products that allow social enterprises in developing countries to offer improved services and scale positive impact more quickly.

D-Lab is a program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) fostering the development of appropriate, affordable technologies and sustainable solutions within the framework of international development.

D-Rev reports on and encourages communication and sharing for young social entrepreneurs and innovators, and includes extensive funding information.

Engineering For Change
E4C is community of engineers, technologists, social scientists, NGOs, local governments and community advocates whose mission is to improve quality of life in communities around the world by facilitating the development of affordable, locally appropriate and sustainable solutions to the most pressing humanitarian challenges.

Engineers Without Borders International
Engineers Without Borders – International (EWB-I) facilitates collaboration, exchange of information, and assistance among its member groups, helping them develop their capacity to assist poor communities in their respective countries and create a new generation of GLOBAL engineers.

Global Access in Action
Global Access in Action, a program of the Berkman Center at Harvard University, focuses on finding practical solutions to legal and policy challenges that increase access to technology for the poor.

IDEO focuses on human-centered appropriate design. Their downloadable Human-Centered Design Toolkit is a step-by-step guide, specifically adapted for NGOs and social enterprises working with low-income communities. Through their OpenIDEO.com platform for open innovation, they source solutions and best practices from around the world.

International Development Design Summit
The International Development Design Summit, held in a different country each year, is an intense, hands-on design experience that brings together people from all over the world and all walks of life to create technologies and enterprises that improve the lives of people living in poverty.

Journal of Humanitarian Engineering
The Journal of Humanitarian Engineering (JHE) publishes outcomes of research and field experiences at the intersection of technology and community development. It distributes its work freely online.

Kopernik bundles humanitarian tech for donor sponsorship, vetting, marketing, and managing featured projects directly to end users.

National Innovation Foundation India
National Innovation Foundation India functioning is India’s national initiative to strengthen the grassroots technological innovations and outstanding traditional knowledge. Its mission is to help India become a creative and knowledge-based society by expanding policy and providing institutional space for grassroots technological innovators.

Practical Action
Founded by Dr. E.F Schumacher, Practical Action focuses on low tech poverty applications. The site features an enormous amount of specific information on a range of sectors, targeted to direct users.

Sci Dev Net
Science and Development Network is an NGO dedicated to providing reliable and authoritative information about science and technology for the developing world, providing policymakers, researchers, the media and civil society information and a platform to explore how science and technology can reduce poverty, improve health and raise standards of living around the world.

Tech Awards
A signature program of The Tech Museum of Innovation, The Tech Awards honors innovators from around the world who are applying technology to benefit humanity.

TechChange is a social enterprise based in Washington DC that offers online certificate courses for individuals and organizations who want to make a positive difference in the world. “The Economist’s Geeks for Good, we do tech training for social change.”

Technology Exchange Lab
TEL is an NGO providing a neutral platform where the global community can share and discuss innovative, locally implemented solutions to problems of poverty and sustainability. TEL is “a growing international network of inventors, engineers, non-profit workers, entrepreneurs, environmentalists, micro-financiers and community leaders, welcoming new members.”

Technology for the Poor
Inspired by the work of George Washington Carver, Technology for the Poor posts info and instructions for low-tech, effective technologies for the world’s poor.

USAID Development Catalog 1.0
USAID’s catalog is “a collection of some of the best and most exciting science and technology products we have seen. All have the potential to speed development progress and all are rooted in the belief that scientific and technological development is key to progress.”

Young World Inventors
YWI reports on and encourages communication and sharing for young social entrepreneurs and innovators, and includes extensive funding information.[/fusion_tab]

Akvopedia Akvopedia is a wiki maintained by Akvo, a Dutch NGO whose goal is to improve water and sanitation projects through knowledge exchange on smart and affordable technical solutions and effective approaches.

Cedesol Center for Development for Solar Energy – CEDESOL works in Bolivia to co-create, promote and distribute solar cooking systems and other eco-friendly poverty eliminating tech. Its website includes resources on carbon financing as well as technical info.

FarmingFirst Farming First is a coalition of farmers, scientists, business, engineers and development organisations promoting sustainable agriculture both to alleviate hunger and to preserve eco-systems. There is a wide variety of resource material, including a YouTube channel, available on their site.

GreenMicrofinance GreenMicrofinance Global, Ltd is a pioneer advocate for integrating  sustainable environmental practices within the financial sector, to promote cutting-edge, win-win initiatives alleviating poverty while providing local and global environmental benefits.

Green Prophet Green Prophet, a blog, reports on sustainable technologies for the Middle East, with its shortage of water, abundance of sun, and a mix of very low income and very high-income, technologically advanced populations.

Legacy Foundation Legacy Foundation, the go-to site for eco-briquettes, provides training, technology and media services for biomass fuel briquette production, environmental conservation, and income generation throughout the world.

Solar Household Energy Solar Household Energy (SHE) advocates for solar cooking for human development and environmental relief, striving to unleash the potential of solar cooking to improve social, economic and environmental conditions in sun-rich areas around the world.

Solar Cookers International Solar Cookers International promotes the use of solar thermal cooking technology through global advocacy, direct service and partnerships with organizations to improve health, economies and the environment throughout the sun-rich, fuel-starved developing world. Their SolarWiki is a massive, rich resource.

Sustainable Sanitation Alliance The Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) is an informal network of partner organisations sharing a common vision of sustainable sanitation [also termed Eco-Sanitation]. “In order to be sustainable, a sanitation system has to be not only economically viable, socially acceptable, and technically and institutionally appropriate, it should also protect the environment and the natural resources.

Social Business and Social Entrepreneurship

Acumen Fund An NGO, Acumen Fund raises charitable donations that are deployed into long-term debt or equity investments in early-stage companies providing reliable and affordable access to agricultural inputs, quality education, clean energy, healthcare services, formal housing, and safe drinking water to low-income customers.

Sustainable Sanitation Design (SuSan) The goal of Sustainable Sanitation Design (SuSan Design), a business-minded foundation,  is to transform the human waste stream into  value creation based on quality service, hygienic logistics, agricultural science, and  social entrepreneurship.

Business Fights Poverty Business Fights Poverty is an online network of corporate executives, entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurs, investors, donor agency staff, policy officials, non-government organisation staff, academics, and students harnessing markets for poverty alleviation.

Enactus Enactus is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to inspiring students to improve the world through entrepreneurial action, transform lives and shaping a better, more sustainable, world. Over 1700 university chapters around the world offer students opportunities to create projects and participate in global competitions.

Global Envision Curated news and insights about innovative, market-driven solutions to poverty explored through news, commentary and discussion.

Global Social Benefit Incubator Santa Clara University’s Global Social Benefit Incubator program of the Center of Science and Technology combines a set curriculum with individualized mentoring by Silicon Valley leaders to help social entrepreneurs build their businesses and amplify their impact.

NetImpact Net Impact is a community of MBA students using business skills to work for good throughout every sector, seeking a net impact that benefits not just the bottom line, but people and planet – utilizing market forces to improve the lives of the poor.

Skoll Foundation The Skoll Foundation facilitates large scale change by investing in, connecting and celebrating social entrepreneurs and the innovators who help them solve the world’s most pressing problems.

Unreasonable Institute The Unreasonable Institute runs an annual bootcamp for social entrepreneurs, mentoring them so they can better scale their solutions to meet the world’s biggest problems.

Catchafire Catchafire matches non-profits in need of professional services with practitioners who volunteer their professional skills.

National Peace Corps Association National Peace Corps Association (NPCA) is the nonprofit alumni organization of 215,000 individuals who share the Peace Corps experience. The NPCA champions a lifelong commitment to Peace Corps ideals by connecting, engaging and promoting its members and member groups as they continue to make a difference in communities in the U.S. and around the world. There are many resources at their site.

Volunteer Service Overseas (VSO) VSO is an independent international development organisation that works through volunteers to fight poverty in developing countries. VSO has worked in over 90 countries and has placed over 40,000 volunteers, over 30% of whom now come from within the country of their placement.

CGAP CGAP, the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor, curates an annual photo contest featuring workers in the developing world, many engaged in microenterprises.

Children Youth and Environments Global Photo Library CHILDREN YOUTH AND ENVIRONMENTS GLOBAL PHOTO LIBRARY is an initiative of the Children, Youth and Environments Center (CYE) in collaboration with the Visual Resource Center in the Environmental Design Program at the University of Colorado. Its purpose is to provide images of children and youth in various environments for educators, students, community groups and other non-commercial users.

Kids Across the World Kids Across the World provides resources to teach school students become visual detectives. J. Sara Klatchko is a photographer and educator who documents the stories, situations and cultures of children across the world; here she shares great ideas and helpful instruction.

Majority World Majority World is a social enterprise, marketing the work of on-site photographers from Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East. “We specialise in high quality imagery that provides unique insights into local cultures, development issues, environments and contemporary lifestyles in these diverse continents.”

Photoshare Photoshare is a service of the Knowledge for Health (K4Health) project, based at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for Communication Programs (CCP), helping international nonprofit organizations communicate health and development issues through photography. Photoshare’s resource for public health and development communication offer the value and impact of photography in global efforts to improve health and save lives.

General Global Public Health

Engineering World Health Engineering World Health is a non-profit organization mobilizing the biomedical engineering community to improve the quality of health care in hospitals serving resource-poor communities of the developing world. They utilize the resources of collegiate engineering programs through a network of university-based EWH chapters, working with Duke University and Texas A&M University to plan, manage, and operate summer programs for students. Student biomedical engineers travel to developing country hospitals where they study language, culture, technology, and repair broken equipment.

GainHealth (Entry #7) Supports micronutrient uptake, via market solutions, to reduce malnutrition and improve health.

HarvestPlus (Entry #7) HarvestPlus seeks to reduce hidden hunger and provide micronutrients to malnourished people directly through the staple foods that they eat. Utilizing biofortification to breed higher levels of micronutrients directly into key staple foods, HarvestPlus focuses on three critical micronutrients: iron, zinc, and vitamin A. All crop varieties developed by HarvestPlus are public goods, freely distributed in developing countries.

International Council for the Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders (Entry #7) “ICCIDD focuses on freeing the world of iodine deficiency disorders, primarily through universal consumption of iodized salt. ICCIDD advocates to governments, citizens, and development agencies.”

Path.org Path focuses on innovations across five platforms—vaccines, drugs, diagnostics, devices, and system and service innovations—that harness entrepreneurial insight, scientific and public health expertise, and concern for health equity. Many publications on public health approaches for the developing world are available at their website.

Rice 360˚ Institute for Global Health Technologies Rice 360˚ Institute for Global Health Technologies works in partnership with communities throughout the world to design and implement low-cost, high-performance health technologies that address major global health challenges. Beyond Traditional Borders, its global health technologies curriculum, incorporates high school, undergraduate, and graduate students.

Sight and Life – Micronutrients (Entry #7) Sight and Life is focused on ensuring evidence-based advocacy, capacity building, and leadership development, and improvements in program implementation for maternal, infant, and young child nutrition (MIYCN). The site posts resources on global malnutrition, especially hidden hunger and nutrient deficiency, as well as advocacy tools.

Surviving the First Day – State of the World’s Mothers 2013 A downloadable, comprenehsive summary and analysis of efforts to lower infant and maternal mortality.

Vitamin Angels (Entry #7) Vitamin Angel’s mission is to mobilize and deploy private sector resources to advance availability, access and use of micronutrients, especially vitamin A, among at-risk populations in need, with special focus on infants and children under five. An extensive collection of resources are available at their online library.

Zinc.org (Entry #7) The Zinc Nutrient Initiative (ZNI) seeks to address the critical and linked issue of zinc deficiency in soils, crops and humans with the long-term and sustainable solution of zinc-fortified fertilizers to improve crop yield and nutrition, ultimately improving food security and human health.

Guttmacher Institute Guttmacher Institute advocates for sexual and reproductive health and rights through an interrelated program of research, policy analysis and public education designed to generate new ideas, encourage enlightened public debate and promote sound policy and program development. The Institute’s overarching goal is to ensure the highest standard of sexual and reproductive health for all people worldwide. A wide variety of resources are available at its site.

The International Consortium for Emergency Contraception (ICEC) (Entry #18) The International Consortium for Emergency Contraception (ICEC) unites international organizations committed to expanding access to emergency contraception, with an emphasis on developing countries.

International Women’s Health.org International Women’s Health, a massive online open course (MOOC) taught by Anne Firth Murray, provides an overview of women’s health and human rights, beginning in infancy and childhood, then moving through adolescence, reproductive years and aging.

Jhpiego.org Jhpiego is an international, non-profit health organization affiliated with The Johns Hopkins University. Jhpiego designs innovative, effective and low-cost health care solutions to ensure a level of care for women and their families.

Maternova Maternova is a mission-driven for-profit striving to distribute technologies directly to those who can use them to save the lives of mothers and infants. Their website includes an immense amount of resource information for health practitioners in the developing world.

Pathfinder Pathfinder, for over 50 years, has promoted access to quality sexual and reproductive health care for women, men, and adolescents. They partner with local institutions to build capacity, meeting the needs of those in the world’s lowest resource regions. A vast number of publications based on their work is posted at their site.

Surviving the First Day – State of the World’s Mothers 2013 A downloadable, comprenehsive summary and analysis of efforts to lower infant and maternal mortality.

Lights, Energy, Cellphone Charging!

ARTI Appropriate Rural Technology Institute of India ARTI Appropriate Rural Technology Institute – India researches, develops, standardizes, implements, commercializes and popularises innovative appropriate rural technologies with emphasis on sustainable development. Their website includes many cross-sector designs and projects, including energy provision.

Ashden.org British NGO focusing on clean energy, showcasing sustainable energy trailblazers and advocating for the sector as a whole

Energy In Common Microlending Energy In Common is a site which allows users to lend money to developing world entrepreneurs for clean energy investments. These help lower the borrowers’ costs as well as their emissions, hence fighting poverty and global warning simultaneously. They encourage it as carbon offsetting.

GVEP International Global Village Energy Partnership International is a non-profit organisation that works to increase access to modern energy and reduce poverty in developing countries.

Hedon.info HEDON, the Household Energy Network, is an NGO spearheading knowledge sharing and networking around household energy solutions in developing countries to solve energy poverty. They manage an extensive household energy tech WIKI.

Legacy Foundation (Entry #42) Legacy Foundation, the go-to site for eco-briquettes, provides training, technology and media services for biomass fuel briquette production, environmental conservation, and income generation throughout the world.

Lighting Africa Lighting Africa is a joint IFC and World Bank program working towards improving access to better lighting in areas not yet connected to the electricity grid. Lighting Africa catalyzes and accelerates the development of sustainable markets for affordable, modern off-grid lighting solutions for low-income households and micro-enterprises across the continent. A hub, it provides information for various stake holders.

Lumina Project The Lumina Project cultivates technologies and markets for affordable low-carbon alternatives to fuel-based lighting in the developing world. An initiative of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, it provides industry, consumers, and policymakers analysis and information on off-grid lighting solutions for the developing world.

Luminanet.org LuminaNET is a hub for the global community creating alternatives to fuel-based off-grid lighting in the developing world. Sponsored by the Lumina Project, members share resources, field experiences, discuss new technologies and business models, and collaborate to solve problems.

Sun-Connect Sun-Connect is an information site focused on distributed energy for off-grid rural development through solar energy. The target audience includes solar firms, micro-credit organizations, NGOs, and state facilities.

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

Akvopedia Akvopedia is a wiki maintained by Akvo, a Dutch NGO whose goal is to improve water and sanitation projects through knowledge exchange on smart and affordable technical solutions and effective approaches.

Fundacion Sodis (Entry #39) Fundacion Sodis provides resources on simple techniques for water disinfection, hygiene and sanitation, helping families in Latin America to access safe drinking water and improve their health.

Sustainable Sanitation Alliance The Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) is an informal network of partner organisations sharing a common vision of sustainable sanitation [also termed Eco-Sanitation]. “In order to be sustainable, a sanitation system has to be not only economically viable, socially acceptable, and technically and institutionally appropriate, it should also protect the environment and the natural resources.”

Sustainable Sanitation Design (SuSan) The goal of Sustainable Sanitation Design (SuSan Design), a business-minded foundation,  is to transform the human waste stream into  value creation based on quality service, hygienic logistics, agricultural science, and  social entrepreneurship.

UpStream low-tech washer (Mentioned in Entry #56) Student Eliot Coven and Aaron Stathum’s design for a washer made from $20 in locally accessible parts.

WaterSchool WaterSchool is a SODIS (#39) – Solar [water] Disinfection ed hub for school children in the developing world. Their downloadable training manual is posted here.

Burn Design Lab (Entry #50) BURN Design Lab researches, designs and produces stove prototypes at their research and design laboratory on Vashon Island, Washington (USA), assisted by their BURN network of machinists, fabricators, and artists. They build and test multiple iterations before shipping overseas for in-county field testing.

Cedesol (Entry #51) Center for Development for Solar Energy – CEDESOL works in Bolivia to co-create, promote and distribute solar cooking systems and other eco-friendly poverty eliminating tech. Its website includes resources on carbon financing as well as technical info.

Global Alliance for Clean Cook Stoves (Entry #50) This is the address for all things regarding clean cook stoves: research, designs, supply chains, evaluation, marketing, and technological developments. “Through maps, searchable databases of reports, research, and data, as well as country-specific information, we hope to advance the sector by serving as a comprehensive knowledge hub for information about cookstoves and fuels and related subjects.”

Off-Fire Pot Reboiling info (Entry #53) Extensive data on Off Fire Reboiling pots and how much fuel and CO2 Emissions they save. This product is featured in entry #53.

Solar Household Energy Solar Household Energy (SHE) advocates for solar cooking for human development and environmental relief, striving to unleash the potential of solar cooking to improve social, economic and environmental conditions in sun-rich areas around the world.

Solar Cookers International Solar Cookers International promotes the use of solar thermal cooking technology through global advocacy, direct service and partnerships with organizations to improve health, economies and the environment throughout the sun-rich, fuel-starved developing world. Their SolarWiki is a massive, rich resource.

Afristar Foundation Afristar is an umbrella organization guided by permaculture methodology to educate, train, and engage the people of Southern Africa in the developing sustainable models for ecological human settlement and local economic development. Check out their poster series!

ARTI Appropriate Rural Technology Institute of India ARTI Appropriate Rural Technology Institute – India researches, develops, standardizes, implements, commercializes and popularises innovative appropriate rural technologies with emphasis on sustainable development. Their website includes many cross-sector designs and projects.

AVRDC AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center, an international nonprofit research and development institute, is committed to alleviating poverty and malnutrition in the developing world through the increased production and consumption of nutritious and health-promoting vegetables.

International Biochar Initiative (Entry #57) IBI promotes high quality practices, stakeholder collaboration, and environmental and ethical standards to foster economically viable biochar systems that are safe and effective for use in soil fertility and as a climate mitigation tool. Its website features a wide variety of resources materials and science fair projects related to biochar.

Biosorghum.org The Africa Biofortified Sorghum (ABS) Project is a collaboration bringing together public/private, South/South and North/South partnerships to sustainably improve the nutritional quality of sorghum, an African food staple.

CGIAR: Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research The CGIAR Consortium integrates the agricultural research of its 15 constiuent centers, bringing together thousands of scientists for multidisciplinary research on problems in poor and under-served agro-ecosystems; linking farmers to national agricultural research and innovation systems; and preserving genetic resources for agriculture in trust for current and future generations.

Sack gardening instructions (Entry #66) Technology for the Poor’s article on Sack Gardening for urban centers.

ECHO Florida-based ECHO is an information hub for development practitioners around the world, gathering solutions from around the world that are solving hunger problems and disseminating them. These solutions promote sustainable farming techniques, nutritional plants, and appropriate technologies. EHO provides hard-to-find beneficial food plants and seeds, tapping the wealth of agricultural knowledge among the poor farmers they seek to assist.

FarmingFirst Farming First is a coalition of farmers, scientists, business, engineers and development organisations promoting sustainable agriculture both to alleviate hunger and to preserve eco-systems. There is a wide variety of resource material, including a YouTube channel, available on their site.

Food Tank Food Tank focuses on building a global community for safe, healthy, nourished eaters — spotlighting  environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable ways of alleviating hunger, obesity, and poverty and creating networks of people, organizations, and content to push for food system change.

ICRISAT The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) is a non-profit, independent organization conducting agricultural research for development in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa with a wide array of partners throughout the world.

International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) researches solutions for hunger, malnutrition, and poverty in tropical countries. It partners with other institutions to enhance crop quality and productivity, reduce producer and consumer risks, and generate wealth from agriculture.

Postharvest Education Foundation The Postharvest Education Foundation (PEF) provides training and information to help people around the world reduce postharvest food losses and food waste through e-classes, short courses. study tours and workshops

PostHarvest Institute The ADM Institute for the Prevention of Postharvest Loss serves as an international information and technology hub for evaluating, creating and disseminating economically viable technologies, practices and systems that reduce postharvest loss in staple crops such as corn, wheat, and oilseeds.

Send A Cow Educational materials about sustainable agriculture, including primary school curricula for school gardens, along with charitable giving options.

TECA.FAO TECA is a platform featuring practical information on crop production, forestry, livestock, fisheries, and marketing to help smallholder farmers It is part of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO.

Trees for the Future (Entry #69) TFTF is an agroforestry resource center working with local farmers and community groups to help them better support themselves and to restore degraded lands to sustainable productivity by planting trees that not only thrive in poor soil conditions, but that also benefit the local area in a multitude of ways. Their worldwide network of technicians, volunteers, and community leaders helps rehabilitate environments across the globe.

World Agroforestry Centre (Entry #69) The Centre’s mission is to utilize trees to transform rural smallholder households, improving their food security, nutrition, income, health, shelter, energy resources and environmental sustainability. They are funded by over 50 different investors, including governments, private foundations, international organizations and regional development banks. Their work is conducted with partners from a range of scientific and development institutions.

World Fish Center (Entry #73) World Fish Center is an international, non-profit research institute associated with CGIAR. WorldFish is committed to 1) improving the livelihoods of the poor and vulnerable in places where fisheries and aquaculture are appropriate and 2) achieving large scale, environmentally sustainable, increases in supply and access to affordable fish in developing economies.

Zinc.org (Entry #7 + Entry #59) The Zinc Nutrient Initiative (ZNI) seeks to address the critical and linked issue of zinc deficiency in soils, crops and humans with the long-term and sustainable solution of zinc-fortified fertilizers to improve crop yield and nutrition, ultimately improving food security and human health.


EcoBricks.org (Entry #98) Ecobrick.org is a Philippine educational project building playgrounds and gardens from ecobricks. (Elsewhere in the world, ecobricks are used for building larger structures.) They have an ecobrick guide and useful information on their site.

Shack/Slum Dwellers International – SDI Shack/Slum Dwellers International (SDI) is a network of community-based organizations of the urban poor in 33 countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. SDI’s mision if is for the urban poor to be at the center of strategies for urban development.


International Bicycle Fund (Entry #106) A non-governmental, nonprofit, advocacy organization, providing information and resources on bicycles as sustainable transport, with lots of info about biking in the developing world.

Information and Communication Technology

Association for Progressive Communications APC advocates for the internet to be an equitably distributed global public good. They are both an international network and non-profit organisation promoting broader access to a free and open internet to improve lives and create a more just world. Their website includes educational materials and information on broadening internet access.

Insight-Share (Entry #87) Insight-Share’s mission is to advance participatory video, whereby citizens utilize inexpensive video tech to capture and report on stories and issues of importance in their local communities, helping to bring about innovative, appropriate solutions to pressing challenges.

Mobile 4 Development (Entry #84) The goal of Mobile for Development is “Bringing together our mobile operator members, the wider mobile industry and the development community to drive commercial mobile services for underserved people in emerging markets.”

TechChange TechChange is a social enterprise based in Washington DC that offers online certificate courses for individuals and organizations who want to make a positive difference in the world. “The Economist’s Geeks for Good, we do tech training for social change.”

USAID with MIT PRess: Digital Inclusion Journal Digital Inclusion: The Vital Role of Local Content is a journal produced in partnership with the U.S. Global Development Lab’s Digital Development team examining how content is produced, distributed, and consumed in the emerging digital economy.

World Pulse (Entry #87) World Pulse is digital network connecting women worldwide and providing them a global voice. It is a vast resource featuring developing world women’s first person accounts and reporting on issues of importance in their lives.

Worldreader (Entry #81) Worldreader’s mission is to bring digital books to every child and her family. Their website includes an extensive collection of their data-driven research on effective distribution as well as research published about their work.

Financial Inclusion

Bankers Without Borders Bankers without Borders® is Grameen Foundation’s global volunteer initiative, connecting private individuals and companies with microfinance institutions and other organizations serving the poor. Members of Bankers without Borders help increase the scale, sustainability, and impact of the programs that Grameen Foundation supports.

Center for Financial Inclusion The Center for Financial Inclusion at Accion (CFI) is an action-oriented think tank.CFI contributes to full inclusion by collaborating with sector participants to tackle challenges beyond the scope of any one actor, using tools that include research, convening, capacity building, and communications.

CGAP Housed at the World Bank, the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor is a global partnership of 34 leading organizations that seek to advance financial inclusion. CGAP develops innovative solutions through practical research and active engagement with financial service providers, policy makers, and funders to enable approaches at scale.

Energy In Common Microlending Energy In Common is a site which allows users to lend money to developing world entrepreneurs for clean energy investments. These help lower the borrowers’ costs as well as their emissions, hence fighting poverty and global warning simultaneously. They encourage it as carbon offsetting.


GreenMicrofinance Global, Ltd is a pioneer advocate for integrating  sustainable environmental practices within the financial sector, to promote cutting-edge, win-win initiatives alleviating poverty while providing local and global environmental benefits.

Microinsurance Network (Entry #91) A group for microinsurance practitioners, the Microinsurance Network provides and facilitates a global multi-stakeholder platform through which members generate and share knowledge and information. The Network works to ensure that the expanding microinsurance sector develops high quality insurance services which meet client needs and protect their interests and well-being.

Mobile Money for the Unbanked (Entry #90) Part of GSMA, Mobile Money for the Unbanked works with mobile operators and the financial industry to accelerate the availability of affordable financial services that provide safety, security and convenience to the unbanked. See also “Mobile 4 Development” in the ICT sector.

SEEP The SEEP Network is a global network of international practitioner organizations dedicated to combating poverty through promoting inclusive markets and financial systems.

Village Savings and Loan Associates (Entry #89) VSL Associates is a consortium of microfinance practitioners dedicated to spreading the Village Savings and Loan (VSL) model more widely throughout the world. Materials are available for free on their site. Their objective is to provide millions of poor households with a secure place to save, the opportunity to borrow in small amounts on flexible terms, and affordable basic insurance.

Legal Rights

Coalition Against Trafficking in Women – CATW (Entry #97) CATW and its partners engage in advocacy, education and prevention programs for victims of trafficking and prostitution in Asia, Africa, Latin America, Europe and North America, including the Untied States. Legal information as well as research papers are posted at its website.

Girls Not Brides (Entry #95) Girls Not Brides is a collaborative global partnership of more than 400 civil society organisations from over 60 countries working to address child marriage. Resources are available at their website to learn more about the harms of early forced marriages for girl children and strategies to eradicate the practice.

Global Access in Action Global Access in Action, a program of the Berkman Center at Harvard University, focuses on finding practical solutions to legal and policy challenges that increase access to technology for the poor.

International Center for Advocates Against Discrimination The International Center for Advocates Against Discrimination (ICAAD) combats structural discrimination by challenging legislation, case law, government policy, and cultural norms that negatively impact vulnerable communities. They build the legal capacity of local NGOs, conduct rule of law trainings for judges, law enforcement, and faith leaders; use technology to harness data for litigation; and recruit artists to amplify local issues globally.

International Center for Research on Women International Center for Research on Women is an NGO dedicated to improving the lives of women in poverty, advancing equality and human rights, and contributing to broader economic and social well-being. ICRW accomplishes this, in partnership with others, through research, capacity building and advocacy on issues affecting women’s economic, health and social status.

Landesa (Entry #98) The Landesa Center for Women’s Land Rights champions women’s secure access to land by providing resources and training that connects policymakers, researchers, and practitioners around the world.

Stop Violence Against Women (Entry #96) The Stop Violence Against Women website (STOPVAW), a project of The Advocates for Human Rights, is a forum for information, advocacy and change in the promotion of women’s human rights around the world.
