267.825.5445 BPTeutsch@comcast.net


What is the Best Term for Globally Poor Women?

March 17th, 2013|bottom of the pyramid, Global South, poverty terminology|

The language we use to describe the global poor is inherently loaded with judgments, many of which are outdated, inaccurate, [...]

Meghan Shea: Intel Finalist Designs a Moringa Seed Water Filter

March 15th, 2013|Water, Woman Humanitarian Tech Stars|

Meghan Shea, 18, from West Chester, Penn., holds up a water filter that uses seeds from Moringa oleifera tree that releases [...]

Why Women Need Solar Lights at Home

March 13th, 2013|inequality of opportunity, solar lights|

Sometimes a picture says it all - who can take advantage of what little resources there are.  In the Washington [...]

100 Under $100: the Women’s Global Toolkit

March 12th, 2013|Uncategorized|

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