By Betsy Teutsch
100 Under $100
One Hundred Tools for Empowering Global Women
100 Under $100 explains, in easily understood prose, the challenges faced by the world’s billion+ most impoverished women. These women work incredibly hard, held back by a dearth of resources and education, little access to health care, and discriminatory legal and financial services. With better tools and expanded access, women’s hard work will be more productive, yielding better outcomes for them, their families and their communities. The highlighted tools will provide women a toe-hold to climb the ladder out of extreme poverty.
Also Available!
Free E-book
100 Under $100
Tools for Reducing Postharvest Losses
Also by Betsy Teutsch, with technical editor Lisa Kitinoja, this free 310-page e-book is published by The Postharvest Education Foundation, La Pine, OR. 100 Under $100: Tools for Reducing Postharvest Losses is a comprehensive compilation of postharvest techniques covering every step of the smallholder Value Chain, enhanced with lively descriptions, pertinent links, engaging stories, data-rich tables, and stunning photos.
Betsy Teutsch
Betsy Teutsch is passionate about mobilizing resources for the world’s poorest women. Fascinated by low-tech high-impact solutions, she is the author of 100 Under $100: Tools for Empowering Global Women. She serves on the national board as well as Chapter Co-Leader of Together Women Rise, and has recently authored 100 Under $100: Tools for Reducing Postharvest Losses, published by Known for her long career as a Judaica artist and calligrapher, as well as an advocate of greener life styles, she is the grandmother of four, living in Philadelphia, PA. Teutsch is a native of Fargo, North Dakota.
Every once in a while, a book comes along that is so beautiful, so rich in content, and makes you feel so much better about the possibilities for positive change in the world, that you want to tell everyone you know about it. Betsy Teutsch’s 100 Under $100 is that kind of book.
Designed to feature poverty-alleviating solutions with eco-smart technologies and other innovative ideas in the poorest regions of the world, 100 under $100 is a joy to hold in your hands.
Its gorgeous photographs, well laid-out sections, well-written descriptions, and helpful sidebar icons make it easy to find more information or act to support the many fascinating initiative in the areas of health, energy, hygiene, domestic technology, farming, construction, transportation, communication, finance and legal tools. Featuring these stories of women as successful change agents offers hope for alleviating global poverty.
Barbara Stark-Nemon
National Board Member
Dining for Women
Also Available From
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